Friday, February 2

141017 Summer 2017

Supposedly 5 of us went to Lavender farm but somehow we ended up only 3 of us. Its because he was arguing with Sam that week. Kinda horrid to watched them ignoring each other for so long. I do not know how to deal with them I leaved them to settle their problems but also worried as well. Long story short we went to Lavender farm again cause Nicole wanted to look for some product they are selling there. Hence we went there for lunch.

The weather was really hot and humid that day. But we were lucky enough to saw Lavender full bloom! The flower bloom gorgeously that day I think its also flower season which was spring time.

We actually planned to go for wildflower viewing but the flower wasn't blooming at certain part. And we wouldn't know where to search for wild flowers. Lucky enough there's few wild flowers nearby the carpark at the Lavender Farm. So we basically took this opportunities to take a lot of photo together!

Afterwards we went back and picked the others up for coffee session. It was a bit awkward but all was good when we were there. Anyway the problem was long before so it make sense that its not happening at this moment right not when I posted this post! It's just how all these picture reminds me the scenario that happened on that particular day. Each photo shows the beauty of it but never understood how it came from or how the process before and after the photo was taken. That's life. 

Till then,
Cheers & God Bless.

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